Photographer Portal

We are looking for High Fashion Photos and Unique Edgy looks. If you would like to submit some of your work, please send in submissions by hitting the LEARN MORE button below. It will take you to our Instagram page. We filter photos there. If we want to use the photos, we will ask you to E-mail us the original. We will need your full name, social media links as well as the Models full name and social media links. please also include MUA information & designer if applicable.

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If you are interested in being in our magazine and or any of our events. please forward your comp card and your best photos by hitting the LEARN MORE button below. It will take you to our Instagram where you can submit photos for preview directly, If we want to use any of the photos, we will ask you to Email them to us. we will need all information associated with photos. Example: photographer, makeup artist and any assistants as well as your Height, measurements and Age. We are looking for High Fashion Photos, unique looks & edgy styles. Please submit all information to be considered. If you have never modeled before, please submit one raw face photo without any filters & a Full body shot from the front and side with plain fitted clothing.

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We are looking for designers at all levels from Beginner to Established. We want to show your designs both on the runway and in our editorial pieces. Please submit photos and unique information about your products or designs directly below by hitting the LEARN MORE button. It will link you to our Instagram page where you can directly message us. We will need your Full name, business or Design Label as well as a little summary about what makes you and your designs unique.

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