Hopsin The Straight Edge Rapper

  Marcus Jamal Hopson started his music career recording local mixtapes around 2004. He Eventually was signed by Ruthless Records in 2007. Lyrically, Hopsin’s songs are pretty deep delving into the nature of God and a man questioning how to find faith.  He has said he was first inspired to get into Hip Hop by Eminem. His fashion sense is typical of Hip Hop culture but he makes himself distinct Wearing white eye contacts which he pairs often with his Snapback hats, white or red beanie and a chain necklace. His originality is not only shown through his fashion sense but is also displayed by his “straight edge” take on life as he doesn’t do drugs or drink. Regularly in songs such as Nocturnal Rainbows he puts that forth with verses such as: "But yet, when you got offered some marijuana, you took a puff ‘Yō, we’re all smart, and we know what’s bad and good for us but yet, when you got offered some marijuana, you took a puff Your brain’s a fuckin’ powerhouse, but what, that wasn’t good enough? It sit’s people like you who talk that ‘should a, could a, would a’ stuff You probably threw your life away because you would rather get high with no license or car, so you bum rides to get by Sayin’ ‘I should’ve done this’ or ‘I shouldn’t have hung with this guy. "I’m broke as fuck, my rent’s high. Ah, I should’ve realized. I am not being cruel with these situations that I address more than likely, could be someone you admire yes but it’s because of the blood, sweat, and all the time that I invest. "In 2014 he released what he called his “realest” video and song. “Ill Mind of Hopsin 7” Where he Rapped about his religious beliefs, the differences between faiths as a man struggling to find faith, and his thoughts on the Government. Overall Hopsin promotes himself as a more positive influence as an entertainer and rapper amongst his peers with the content he produces compared to how many songs seem to promote the use of drugs. Going so far as to pick an issue with the industry itself writing Lyrics such as “real artists get shelved and whack ones get famous” he defends the rights of artists to be treated fairly. His fashion fits in with a lot of the Hip Hop subculture: snapbacks loose shirts, paired with chains and beanies which he uses as a statement to express his differences as being equal. Being a 'unicorn’ in the pop culture he is impressively unique in his lyrical content and attitude amongst the plethora of people striving to make it big in Rap today. By: Austin Fuller