Dreams To Remember

Dreams to remember

Are dreams a reality or simple tattered thoughts? Is life a calamity or a ride we once bought? All I know is travesty, a response to what’s taught. Some questions asked some better naught. 

Centered in a room I stand when a tall slender man doing wondrous acts approaches. I asked “what?” of his tricks He responded “I know but one trick, it’s time to wake up.”

I woke but a few minutes before the days breaking alarm in sweat and wonder. I ran along swiftly but carefully too daring where I may go. Summers fresh sweetness blew while I inhaled deeply and exhaled too.
It is here we made our connection, in front of crowds I hold dear, and over screaming voices it is hers I hear. She calls to us and us as we, and we all are, just me.

Far and wide short but long I create large movements but am simply bound. We are spending time
forwarding what we’ve found, bound, granted luxury, returned safe and sound.
“Thoughts are our undoing” she said. “They bind but break us, and free us, with a synchrony unmatched. We are detached from ourselves While our thoughts deteriorate. Freed in due time never as fast as one’s desires with one’s need.”

…Wriggling, fighting, twisting, break my mind free Knowing a predestination with our minds we see. A strong soul’s will, perhaps one with me. A complimentary thought whatever will be will be…
“Que sera sera whatever will be will be” she sang quietly. Finding herself grounded once again at peace. Graceful as she moved she knew no walled boundary. Perception knows not her mind as she takes in everything as it is.

By Marcus Sardina